A few days ago

Little help with college work organisation please!?

Right well I’m in to about the 4th week of college now and I’m taking Maths, Physics, English Literature and History. Two of these subjects require a great deal of organisation and knowing what information goes where and you can probably guess what they are. Well, for those who can’t it’s Eng Lit and History.

It’s really annoying me because the work we do in class sometimes is really stupid in that I’ll write down perhaps the date, title and aim of the lesson and one or two things to do with the lesson, which don’t really help, and that’s about it. I feel like .. I’ve learnt nothing! It’s pointess to file it because there’s barely anything on the damn sheet too.

Any advice on what I can do with this problem? It really demotivates me from doing those subjects and I feel I may fall behind if I don’t do something.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I would go to the professor and ask him what you have to do in his class to get an “A”. He will tell you. Ask him if he would help you organize the information. Professors teach because it’s what they love to do. He/She will be more than happy to help you. Get a small tape recorder, they are cheap, and tape the lectures. Listen to them later at home and add to your notes, or keep the tapes to listen to before tests. You could date them, list the chapter, and any major topics. Some people just aren’t good at taking notes. Look things up on the internet. I do that with my nursing class and it really helps me to understand the subject.

Don’t back off of your subjects. They are important to pass. Make your professor your best friend. Ask for extra projects to help you earn extra credit.

When you are working on a chapter, use a highlighter to highlight the topics and the sub-headings. Highlight any words or phrases the teacher points out. Don’t be afraid to write in your book.

Hope this helps. Good luck.