A few days ago
Fudge Town

Is there a US federal law saying that no food is allowed in the schools (except for lunch)?

I live in NJ and our school district told all parents that food is not allowed in public school for parties, etc.. as per a new fed law. I never heard of this law elsewhere. I don’t no of any other places that have this new law. They can’t even be given fruits or vegetables. I want to fight the board of ed on this and need amo.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

this MIGHT be what they are referring to, but if so they are in error on a few points. #1 it has not been passed yet that I can find. #2 it refers only to what can be SOLD in the cafeteria. You might want to do more research to see if it actually passed, but then still it should not affect what can be brought for parties, etc.

On March 6, 2007, Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa reintroduced the Child Nutrition and School Lunch Protection Act of 2007 (S. 771), which would amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to improve the nutrition and health of schoolchildren by updating the definition of “food of minimal nutritional value” to conform to current nutrition science and to protect the Federal investment in the national school lunch and breakfast programs. S. 771 has been referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, where it awaits further review.


5 years ago
Read the Tenth Amendment. (read the whole Constitution while your at it). “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” But we have a problem. The Constitution was not intended to be applied to an empire. The laws of the Nation in which this school is located apply. If it is on US territory, there may be some cases that would be relevant, but I am not a lawyer, and I don’t know. Do some research if you really care. On second thought… The statement “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution” would lead me to believe that, state, territory or whatever, any power not granted implicitly by the Constitution is not available to the Federal Govt, under any circumstance.

A few days ago
Hmmm i havent heard this but new food regulations did take place this year.My son was shocked the first day he arrived at school.You couldnt buy ice cream nor poweraide ..you had to drink water or milk..(they always say milk taste sour..its probably not kept cold enough.but yet they give him exp[ired food.The electric was off in the school for 3 periods so they couldnt give the kids a warm lunch…(not that its that warm they make it first thing of morning in one latcation and they have drivers drive it to all the schools .how is that healthy since its not made on premisis?) anyway…they gave the kids expired food?this is the same district that had to throw away 70,000 dollars worth of food at the end of last school yr?WTH?

So,i would say you are probably right.I do believe kids deserve a snack its not fair to starve them all day…and make them wait our tardy bell rings at 7 am and kids do not eat til 12:30 im sorry but once my child wakes up he doesnt feel like throwing food down his throat he needs to wait a while..like 10 am …but no food is allowed in classrooms and they cant take backpacks so its hard to sneak it in?

im fed up!!let me tell you ..you start something ill sign i live in florida by the way.


A few days ago
that can’t be true that it’s a federal law. what about diabetics? they need to eat on regular intervals. You can’t deny them food or they will die.

A few days ago
check the USDA and and the FDA websites for such a law and I am sure they would be listing it for sure.