A few days ago

i’m writing a high school 5 paragraph essay…?

For all of you people out there that are good writers, can you help me out, my essay prompt is what i would change for americans schools: I chose to not have any homework because we should be able to have a life after school and be able to enjoy other activities, what should the layout of this essay look like (besides the introduction and conclusion) what should my main arguing points be for the middle paragraphs (i need three, but if you have more that’s fine)?

Thank you!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
old lady

Favorite Answer

The layout for a five paragraph essay is:

Introduction. This begins with your thesis statement and outlines what you are going to prove with your essay.

Para 2,3,4

This is the body of your essay. In nice, logical order, you make your points here. You might want to talk about the well rounded student, who has time to take dance lessons, do band, belong to an art group, or talk about the too-well-rounded student who needs time to get in more physical activity, or the athlete who needs time to train. You can also mention quality family time, rather than bolting dinner and heading for your room to hit the books.

Para 5.

This is your concluding paragraph, where you weave the major points you made in paras 2,3 and 4, and conclude with a restating of your thesis statement. In effect you are saying, “There, because of all the previous information, I have proved my point (in this case, your thesis) and I rest my case.”


4 years ago
fairly i think of that’s a great initiating. i’ve got performed countless college essays utilising that comparable formulation. of course, you will be prepared to apply it as a initiating purely. you do no longer could use it as a complicated and quickly rule. additionally, having tutored countless human beings on writing i hit upon that for people who are not for sure proficient or have been out of school long sufficient to no longer comprehend the 5-paragraph rule, essay writing is almost impossible and extremely unorganized. right here is a few ameliorations i’ve got used. Intro->hypothesis->help #one million-> help #2-> save doing separate help paragraphs until eventually achieved -> end Intro -> character construction -> action #one million -> verbal substitute -> action #2-> character construction -> etc -> ending -> end hypothesis -> assessment -> assessment -> assessment -> assessment -> end As you will discover, all of them are based around that comparable 5 paragraph define that’s fairly purely making useful you have a start up, a center, and an ending! I purely regulate it to experience my desires. So confident, i hit upon it fairly useful.