A few days ago

I’m going to middle school next year! I’m really nervouse can anyone help me?

I’m going to middle school next year! I’m really nervouse can anyone help me?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

middle school is alot of fun. there is nothing to be nervous about. here are some tips

take good notes and don’t doodle

check your backpack eachnight before you go to bed.

dont try to become popular becaus most of the time people like popular people for their stuff and not their personalities.

don’t be intimidated by bullies because they had to learn bullying from somewhere

don’t procrastinate (put projects and reports till the day before they are due)

don’t be afaraid to ask questions chances are someone that is shyer than you has the same question but won’t ask.

if you want more tips e-mail me and i wil be glad to help

you will do great in middle school


A few days ago
It’s not an easy time for most people. In fact, some have said it was the worst time of their lives. I mean, it’s pretty unnatural if you think about it to cram together all of these people who are feeling awkward about themselves and their bodies and so many hormone changes are starting.

So, I guess my advice to you is to expect some weird behavior from people. Know who you are and stay true to that. You may from time to time be tempted to do things you wouldn’t otherwise; to fit in or to rebel or whatever reason. Just don’t do anything really, really stupid. Don’t get involved with drugs or alcohol. There will be plenty of opportunities for that later in life. Take a shower every morning and keep your hair looking clean and wear deodorant. Be friendly but not a doormat. Try new things… sports or drama or art or choir or whatever interests you and don’t be discouraged by other people. Do your homework on time and don’t ever cheat on a test or an assignment. If someone doesn’t seem to accept you, don’t take it as a rejection. They are probably just insecure or have some other problem. Take a chance and talk to someone who seems interesting to you that you don’t know. I can’t think of anything else but I do hope that you have an easier time than I did. I hope my advice will help you.


A few days ago
Siobhan H
It is a whole year away so no point in stressing over it now. I bet some of your friends will go to the same one as you and you’ll be just fine. Just don’t worry about it. Middle school is so much fun. What do you really have to be nervous about, it is more exciting than nervous and I’m sure you’ll love it.

A few days ago
Alex L
Oh believe me, you need to relax and settle in. There will be ppl u like and dont like, and im sure u will make many a friend! lol! Anyway, I hope you will have fun, because don’t worry, this is all just preparing u for the big leap towards high school!!! Good luck!

A few days ago
Starting middle school really isn’t bad. When I did, I never noticed any different from other years. You just have to learn to memorize your schedule and learn to get to classes in time, and learn when you can go to your locker without being late

A few days ago
Don’t smoke or become a Raver. Do your school work.

Chill with friends. Get into music and all will be well


A few days ago
I remember my first day of middle school. I walked into my 4th period class in 3rd period 10 min after it started. I puked after that.

but you’ll be ok.. i was a bit of an outcast in school….


A few days ago
umm…well im goin to 8th grade so cool.

well, you gotta get used to meeting ALOT of new ppl that go to different schools around ur town

holding tons of books,

its rly funn though, at least mine is, our teachers rule!


A few days ago
Just be yourself and be friendly!

You’ll do great! (as long as you dont be one of the girls who sits in the back of the class and never talks to anyone.)


A few days ago
before you go sing a couple of your favourite songs you know the words this should help break the tension