A few days ago

I have a question about high school?

In my middle school we had homeroom and in the high school im going in to we don’t. My schedule starts at 9… do I be there at 9… or earlier? Do I just go to my class? Do they let me in before then? Im sooo confused!!!!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You should have received a class schedule which tells you what time and in which room each of your classes are held. If you don’t have this then you need to be at school early enough b4 9 and go to the counseling office or the administration office to find out where to get your schedule.

You’ll want to be in class about 3 to 5 min b4 the class starts.

Good Luck



A few days ago
If the schedule starts at 9, you need to be there at 9. The school building should be open before classes start so you will have time to get to your locker and get the things you need. Call the school and ask the secretary. The office staff is usually in the building a couple weeks before school starts to get things going.

A few days ago
J.T Rebel
if classes starte at 9 be there a little early

A few days ago
Everything is practically the same. you can go to school at 8.30 and go to your first class at nine. it is really good. But dont worry because i am sure that other people will be confused too. when i was about to start high school i wasnt sure if everyone ate packets of chips, but they do, the only thing that really changes are making new friends and different classes. But i am sure you would enjoy it. just go with the flow and be yourself. everything should go great!

Good luck


A few days ago
matt the librarian
Go early, hang around, chat with friends, have coffee, and get to your first class a few minutes before it starts.

That’s what I did 20 years ago it is probably the same because that’s about the same thing my parents did too.


A few days ago
yeah in high school there is no homeroom.

im a senior now so i should know this. lol

you should just go at around 8:45 because then you will get there a little early and if you get lost you will still be on time to your class.


A few days ago
our high school has homeroom.. its just a 15 min thing in our third period (thats already been added on so third period is still the same time of the other periods) and then … we have tv broadcasting and announcements and things.. just go early. most teachers come early. some will be late, some will be very late.

A few days ago
you get there before 9.

at 9 you should be in your class.


A few days ago
Melody L
9 most likely means the time school/class starts, not when its doors are opened.

A few days ago
get there early, like 15 minutes before, so you have time to find where your class is located and so you can talk with your friends.

and most teachers will let you in about 10 minutes before