A few days ago
A fresh new start

i can’t pass the tests?

i am a junior in high school taking algebra 2. last year in math i didn’t do so good. but this year i understand everything the teacher is teaching, i hand in all the homework and get like 98% of my answers right, however when it comes to tests, for some reason i always end up failing them and this causes my grade to dramatically decrease. i don’t understand why i do that when i am confident that i know the stuff and do so well on my homework and classwork. Can anyone tell me why i do so bad on the tests, and ways that i can prevent this from happening

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well, a lot of people experience this because they are probably nervous or freeze, or whatever the term is. This happens a lot of times for me to, even when i have studied for hours… It sucks, I guess something you can do is take your time, cause a lot of times, you rush through the test, or even if you dont rush through it, you may have not read the question carefully. Either that, or it could just be a problem with your concentration, but doubt that.

A few days ago
You really didn’t say enough. How are you struggling? For example:

The biggest problem that most students have when they know the material on math test but do poorly is time. Do you run out of time on the test?

The second biggest issue is trying to hurry to the answer and not showing all of your work.

Often in Math test it is not getting the right answer as showing all of the steps needed to get there. One question with 10 steps may be 10 seperate points. missing step 2 will make all of the other answers incorrect, but if the teacher can see that you followed the process even with an incorrect premise you may get a 9 out of 10.

Talk to your teacher and understand why you are not doing well on the test.


A few days ago
It sounds like you suffer from anxiety when taking tests. Ask your teacher if he or she will allow you to take the test after school when no one else is around but him or her. If you’re doing well with your homework and classwork, explain to the teacher that there’s a good possibility that you suffer from this “test anxiety” and would like the chance to see if that is so. I bet he or she will say “yes” for the next test.

A few days ago
Hahaha, I am a Freshman taking ALgebra 2 (special math school) and am having the exact same problem as you.

My minor grade average is probably 90 something but my test average is in the 60’s.

My main problem is that they never give us enough time >.<.