A few days ago

i am starting year 9 in september..?

well at my school everything changed when you reach year 9. in year 7 and 8 my class was just girls and most of my friends were in my class. i knew one person in beggining of year 7 but made lots of new friends.

now im going into year 9 it is a mixed class of 20. i dont know anyone in my class, apart from this girl who was once my friend,,but she did something relally bad to me so i dont want to bein her class..the other people i am not friends with but know them well enough to see i wouldnt make friends with them. also when we go into year 9 we go to a different site of the school, the site i am going to is not wheelchair friendly, im in a wheelchair, and to get around i’ll have to have a teacher with me pretty much all the time, miss end and beggining of lessons and stuff.

im really scared about being in a class with people i dont like//get on with, im scared about missing lessons because it’s sats this year and i need the lessons, im sad about having a teacher with me and…

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Killer Karamazing

Favorite Answer

You’d be surprised when you are in a situation to learn you were wrong about people. Don’t worry about making friends, it will come naturally. What you should be worried about is site you are on not being wheelchair friendly. Talk to the school about that.

A few days ago
You will make new friends, dont worry..Just be outgoing, but not obnoxious…

it might be better for you to expand, rather than just have the same people around you all the time anyway….

ask if you can maybe be hooked up with a student who has the same classes as you, to help you get around…

i moved alot when i was little and had to re-make friends all the time…it isnt too hard πŸ˜›


4 years ago
this complete Pats ingredient is getting blown out of the water. it rather is as as quickly as you’re regardless of if going off the TD checklist Brady broke by way of actuality they have not gained a brilliant Bowl in some years. i could take the Steelers or Chargers over them by utilising capacity of a mile. I could desire to make specific what Brady can do first. no longer by way of wear and tear, yet by way of actuality he took a twelve months off via injury. i’m a Colts fan and Peyton gave the impact of a shaggy dogs tale the 1st few video games with a a lot minor injury. i think of of there are extra advantageous communities indoors the NFC that human beings are underestimating like Giants, Eagles, Cardinals, 49ers, Falcons, Saints, Vikings, and probably the Panthers or Packers. opportunities are extreme that no person can be attentive to until mid season by way of actuality it rather is been one hell of an off season for many franchises. Chargers must be very aggressive regardless of if.

A few days ago
dont worry…you will make friends..and there will be people that you dont like and that dont like you…its naturl….you will always make new friends and always keep the old…also dont be sad this year will be fine!