A few days ago

How to get excited for the 11th grade?

How do i get excited for the 11th grade, the reason i have is that i only have 2 yrs left??


Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Glennon Guy

Favorite Answer

I’m going to be a Junior as well. The thing for me that gets me continuously excited is the fact that college is just around the corner and the fact that senior year is coming up next year. I keep that mindset year in and year out; especially this year due to colleges paying closer attention. Keep in mind that after these 2 years are up, life gets tougher than what it is.

A few days ago
I’m gonna be a junior this year too. The best thing I could suggest is totally mingle with a lot of the lowerclassman at school as well as your current friends. I know we only have two years left, but it doesn’t go by any slower. Make play a privilege and work a priority. Study with your friends. Let go of your inhabitions and be the wild and funny girl at school. Learn to please both yourself and others. Give yourself a great time! I pretty much gave you all my plans for the year. xP

A few days ago
My junior year was exciting just because I felt like I was so old =P. But now that I’m going to start my senior year in a few weeks, I really wish that I had not tried to get through high school so quickly.

A few days ago
tasha m
you can be excited that you are still young and you have no responsibility. i would enjoy being a kid. do not rush it. it seems that you are not being bullied and that you have a semi normal life so don’t rush it. i know it feels like you want it to end but trust me you will want these moments back when you are older. i recommend that you take as many picture of funny things at school and write down any special moments so that you can remember them when you get older.

A few days ago
Well I’m excited for junior year because as you said its one step closer to college, and i can’t wait for my hockey season to start. Do you have any clubs or sports you can look forward to?

A few days ago
Well, for me it meant Junior/Senior Prom, sporting events, curfew extensions, getting ready for college…