A few days ago

How can I enjoy School?

Every year, when summer ends, I get soooo miserable. I always think about how miserabe school wasa the past year, and how now I have to repeat the misery for 9 more months. This year it’s really bad and I can’t go back. I have good friends and teachers, I only have trouble in Algebra, and my most miserable moments are gym class, which I know I can’t get out of. Please help, i only habe a week until the misery starts!!!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

think about what school is for: LEARNING>

yes i understand school CAN be miserable, but u could think about the good parts of school and try to focus on that.

but if u truly hate school despite what I’ve said, maybe u can talk to your parents about being home schooled. often that is better for kids like u. but don’t do it just to run away, home school because it is better for u. do some research on it


A few days ago
Just try not to think of the negatives. It seems like the positives out way the negatives in your case. Only 2 classes out of 8 (i’m assuming you have 8) you have problems with. instead of focusing on those, focus on the 6 that you do well in. Have a positive attitude going into this school year. Half of everything is mental. If you tell yourself that this year you’re going to really try to make gym class fun and you’ll get help in Algebra I really think that that will be a great start.

The other half, is actually following through with your thoughts. In gym don’t focus on who can run the mile faster than you, try not to think about how stupid/pointless/corny the game is. I know its hard. but really try to make the games fun. Who cares if you can’t hit a softball for your life, so long as you’re able to laugh it off you’ll still be able to have a good time. If you don’t like gym because people make fun of you for not being good at it, the same thing applies. When they see that you don’t care if you suck and you don’t care what they say, you’re still going to have a good time, they eventually give up and have fun with you.

For algebra just ask the teacher to help you out before or after school, I have never known a teacher to turn a student away.

Try to get involved in your school, having a club or a sport you enjoy can really make going to school a lot more fun.

Best of luck


A few days ago
Try to think about the good things of school, like friends, nice teachers, the fact that you get to learn. Some kids don’t even go to school. Maybe you can try to develop relationships with your peers at school. Or try to join a extra curricular activity the school can offer. You can try harder at getting good grades so at the end of each term you can be proud of your grades. Also ask teachers if you are having trouble, they can help you too. ( Especially in Algebra ). And try to have fun in gym! Have fun this school year. ๐Ÿ™‚

A few days ago
Hmm, I can have this problem to. When school starts start a countdown, like 1 class down, 7 to go, or 1 month down, 8 to go.