A few days ago

High School Chemistry Help?

I’m taking high school level chemistry this year (10th grade) and I want to prepare beforehand. Is there some sort of pre-chemistry articles or e-books someone can recommend?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
david c
I would get Chemistry for Dummies-I did. I’ve been out of H.S. for awhile and just went to college and really needed help with theories and formulas. The book really explains things in simple terms and explains things-AP books are designed to refresh what you already know-not teach a brand new subject

A few days ago
Wow I am surprised someone said Chemistry for Dummies!

Because that’s what I was thinking

I refered to it a lot when I had homework in chemistry (I was in honors as well)

It really goes in depth to what you need to know, I highly suggest it


A few days ago
i took chemistry this past year and i found it easy. The main things to know are the periodic table, know all the laws(such as boyles and charles) and most of all know the mole inside and out