A few days ago
John S2005

Have you known someone who was a low achiever at school but a high achiever later in life, or vice versa ?

Have you known someone who was a low achiever at school but a high achiever later in life, or vice versa ?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Absolutely! Several of the members of my high school class who are the most successful in life where those people that no one knew. They were the nerd who sat on the back row, or the shy girl who turned out to be Hollywood’s brightest star. And the cheerleaders and the football and other sports athletes were the ones who made the poor choices later in life. They were the drug addicts who you never heard from again.

Its funny how life turns out that way sometimes.


A few days ago
Yeah, I knew this guy in college who constantly blew off classes, failed some of them, and did about every illegal drug in the book. Now he’s a brain surgeon, no kidding!!!