A few days ago
Fly Like Jordan

Essay help needed!?

Can the two-part theme of an essay also be the two central ideas of the essay?

I am currently writing a formal, prepared essay for my Honors Sophomore English class, and it is about the short story “Araby” by James Joyce. My two-part theme is that mundane an unpleasant circumstances lead to the formation of hope, which is the first part (in this case it is the hope to make the girl he loves his own), and this hope is just a delusion that leads to failure and disappointment, which is the second part. I’ve never done an essay this way, and I don’t know if this is a good idea because it is so unconventional (or is it?).

Please help me out here.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You’re essentially doing ’cause and effect’, and you’ll probably be graded on how discretely you are able to plant the seeds of failure in the first part, which you describe as the formation of hope. It would be like weaving tension amid the anticipation of love and climax that leaves the reader sensing the coming failures. Not so unconventional but you’ll have to pre-plan with great care how you’ll do it.