A few days ago

Can you repeat a highschool course even though you didnt fail?

I got a satisfactory mark for my math 10, and now Im going to grade 11, and I was wondering can I repeat my math 10 even though I got a average B via summer school anytime or distance education? Or do you have to fail a course inorder to repeat it, or you can do a course 1 grade further…


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not sure why you’d want to take a course over again that you made a B in, but you can do it. Both courses show up on your transcript, and the actual grade on your transcript will be an average of the two. They don’t just cancel out credits in high school, that’s not how it works. (some people may think so, but they’d better take a good look at the transcripts from the office!) I had trouble with Algebra I. My teacher was kind and offerred to give me a “C” in the class if I promised to sign up for summer school. (I was on the C/D boarderline). I signed up, and got an A in summer school. Pulled my transcripts and it actually showed me taking both classes with an B average for the course. So it may not be to your advantage if you already have a B in the class to take it over. Even if you made an A by retaking the class, you may not end up with an A for the course, depending on your numerical grade average. But if you think it’ll help you, then go for it. It can’t hurt as long as it doesn’t interfere with other courses you need to graduate. Good Luck!

5 years ago
From what you have said it seems like it wouldn’t be a bad thing to be with her. Obviously people may think things so you would have to put up with comments and such (People can be very immature and nasty, especially as a teenager) but if you feel you could handle it and it would not effect your feelings for make you feel down then you should go for it. Think about it, in 10 years you will be 29 and she will be 23, it’s really not as bad as it looks whilst you’re young. I know a couple that are 10 years apart and it doen’t change anything or seems wrong as they are older. I think you should have a sit down with her and really deeply think about it before you do do anything though and if you end up being together then don’t rush into anything. Take things really really slowly. If things did end badly you could end up in trouble. Give it a few more weeks, make sure you really know and like her and then I think you can take things further if you feel like it’s the right thing to do. And if you do make tyhe choice to be together ignore silly comments because you be being sensible about it and you’ll know it’s what you want. Hope this helps. Good luck. ๐Ÿ™‚

A few days ago
No, you don’t have to fail it to take it over. When I was in h.s. I passed my Spanish 2 class, but with a “D”, so I took it over the next year and got an “A”…which overrided the “D” I originally got in the class. It ended up helping my GPA doing that.

A few days ago
Sara W
I believe you can, to earn more college credits. Ask your guidance counseler or your teachers. ๐Ÿ™‚