A few days ago

Can anyone help out cause i just started the 5th grade?

i need tips plz

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Just be yourself, don’t talk about others, be nice to everyone. Always do your best in school, and if you see someone sitting alone at recess, go talk to them, ask them what they like, how they feel about things, what their favorite subject is, what their favorite cartoon, game, is etc. and Most important, do NOT pick on anyone. Don’t make fun of others. Always be known for caring about others.

A few days ago
Alleha N
Well class wise you should do all of your work and stay organised so it does keep adding up and then you cant get back on track.

But also socialy i would suggest that you start making good friends cause your going to be going to middle school soon and having good friends that are going with you will really help you with the transision and may even cary you into high school.


A few days ago
ok ijust left 5th gradeso i gusse i can help u ok so u will have a harder time on math of corse and in social science and art youll have to put quite alot more detail and for gym u should practise jogging and running your class will be conpetetive with that and for english practise your spelling test and loud vocie french will be hard to write but saying them isnt that hard plus im not so sure about music for your class and personal planning is quite easy if your organized hope that helps:)

A few days ago
Jeannie Welsch
Make sure you write down your homework assignments.

If you start to make friends with people who you later see are very mean to others, don’t be afraid to find a different friend. If they ask you why, don’t be afraid to tell them.


A few days ago
turn in ALL of your work, because it adds up,

be organized, and most importantly, have fun!!

oh yeah, and answer my question plz



A few days ago
keep organized , pay attention