A few days ago

Behavior Problems in School?

Ok heres the deal. I have serious behavioral problems in school during class and stuff because I have a very low tolerance with teachers and students. How can I keep myself from getting in trouble less often?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

omg me too =/

A few days ago
You have already taken the first steps. You recognize the problem and you want to solve it. That means that you are about half there.

I would suggest that you do some or all of the following.

Ask your teacher to change your seat if necessary.

Learn to count to ten if something is bothering you and then keep on counting if necessary.

The school knows your problem. Ask then to select teachers for you that you tying that you can get along with.

See your guidance counselor. Some schools have a peer intervention program.

Obtain counseling. Whether you think so or not you need it.

See if your parents and friends can come up with suggestions.

Good luck in the new term.


A few days ago
Make goals for yourself and start small.

Step 1: Go one hour without telling anyone off.

Step 2: Go one morning/afternoon…

Step 3: Go an entire day…

Or if your undesired behavior is fidgeting/talking/spacing out…whatever it is, make quantifiable goals and track yourself. You can unlearn a bad habit. In education it’s called Behavior Modification.


A few days ago
Well, try to find some hobby…and stick to it…if you really want, you will find a way to control yourself…a person’s will is very important…”Where there is a will, there is a way…” Check this link:



A few days ago
i have the same issue…dont change yourself for them.