A few days ago

Is this fair?

I sit quietly and listen as my colleagues complain about affirmitative action.. Then I observed how most teachers are hired by favors, promises or who they know. No one seems to be bothered then.Is this fair ?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It depends on many factors.

If someone is obviously not qualified and gets the job because of a name drop or a favor – yes…I get upset.

With that said, both my parents are Montessori teachers. I have gone into interviews knowing I have an advantage because of that fact. However, I feel I still have to prove myself in the interview. If I ever found out I was hired simply because of my name, I would consider not working for that company any more.

But my name shows I at least have been around Montessori my whole life. My first Montessori school I interviewed for was for a Toddler program. I showed up for the interview in a suit and tie and when it came time to see the children, I got down and played with them (in my suit and tie) for almost a half hour. They also warmed up to me immediately.

The name might have gotten me the interview, but how I interact with children has gotten me my jobs. So I won’t give up the name because it gets my foot in the door at least. But if it were ever the main reason I got a job, I would have serious issues with the person that hired me.



A few days ago
I am a teacher, I was not hired by who I know I was hired based on my test scores. Sense I am not of any minority I did not get a break on any type of test. I also have to make sure that my class make the grades in their test as well. If I do not do well I do not have a job. Period. I don’t think people should be hired based on anything but what they know and how much they know. Experience and Education is the key. In today’s world I find it hard to believe that teachers are hired this way when they have to show performance and produce documents of education and references. What you are seeing may not be the whole truth.

A few days ago
No, it’s not fair but usually how life works. Life isn’t fair…

Your observations may also be skewed, just a thought. Favors/promises/contacts typically give a “bump” to qualified candidates – meaning, if you have two qualified candidates, exactly equal in every other way, this kind of bump would work to benefit them.


A few days ago
It’s not fair. But it seems that some people thrive on complaining and pointing fingers at others rather than looking at their own lives. Just pray for them and do not let it bother you. It will do you no good to give it any further thought or to engage in debate with them.

A few days ago
That is not fair I mean they coudl hire a really crappy teacher who molests all the students just cause they know someone! And they could pass someone great up just cause they will not make a promise I mean come on!!

A few days ago
It sounds as if its pretty much the same idea doesn’t it. Affirmative action helps one group . The other group because they are lucky enough to know the right people. It isn’t fair.

A few days ago
No but that is how life goes. You have to network and kiss some raw booty to get ahead in some places.

A few days ago
Fair – no…but that is how things seem to work in the real world.

A few days ago
i think that people should be helpful , at lest check out their resume.

A few days ago
You choose your own battles.