A few days ago

Why aren’t children allowed to defend themselves if they’re bullied at school?

I’ve heard that some schools have a “zero tolerance” policy in which even children who defend themselves will be punished. Why? Why should the victims of bullying be punished for defending themselves? If anything, self-defense should be encouraged.

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A few days ago

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I agree with you…at my high school they expected us to just “roll into a ball” and take the beating.WTF?

A few days ago
It’s a blanket mentality for preventative measures… and it’s not realistic in my personal opinion …. but I also don’t get paid to make those decisions. Granted, there is some merit to teaching children to walk away from a situation… but walking away isn’t always an option…

It’s just the schools way of making sure fights don’t happen on campus.. they sometimes don’t feel responsible for teaching children about life.. just about math/science/grammar and the likes… and as such create policy to keep the real world out of their grounds… this isn’t all schools.. just some.


A few days ago
I hate violence but I always told my kids to defend themselves.

First try and get yourself out of the situation some other way but if they are attacked then go ahead and defend yourself.

I had situations like this when my kids were younger and I just fronted up to the headmaster and said I allow my kids to defend themselves and then said I would involve their parents by making a complaint to the police. That worked every time but now times are different and I m glad my kids are no longer in school.

No one should HAVE to be a victim if the bullying happened in the street you would defend yourself and the bullies would be charged with assault why should it be any different in school.


A few days ago
denise c
it’s true and sad as well, but i think it should be that the mom’s and dad’s should haft to go to school each month to see whats going on in the lives of their child and find out ( if any thing at all ) whats going on in the schools class rooms and maybe even the teachers send a monthly report of the other students acts of violence.

and if your child is getting hit or other things then all the mom and dads should come to the school board and get some thing done about it.

this is a big problem with our schools today’s, no one wants to care about the victim, just push it under the table and look away.

how sad!!!!


A few days ago
Your question is a difficult one, and our initial instinct is often to fight back. However, bullies know who to pick on – they pick on kids who are weaker and smaller than them, so to fight back is not usually a good option. But it’s important to advise kids not to respond to bullying by fighting or bullying back. It can quickly escalate into violence, trouble, and someone getting injured. Instead, it’s best to walk away from the situation, hang out with others, and tell an adult.

These sites may be helpful.


A few days ago
The “zero tolerance” policy is trying to get kids to talk to an adult about their problem, instead of trying to fix it themselves, which usually means “self defence.” Schools just don’t want anyone to get hurt, so they usually help both kids (bully, victum) work it out in counseling. The program isn’t actuallyas bad as it may seem. Remember two wrongs don’t make a right!



A few days ago
I depends on what way they defend themselves. It becomes a problem if kids start resorting to violence in response to bullying, and this doesn’t solve anything either. I do believe though, that children should learn to stand up for themselves against bullies. In most cases, most bullies are just slightly disturbed kids who like to think that they are somehow greater than the others.

A few days ago
Dunno, but both of my kids can defend themselves.

I taught them (I’m a former martial arts instructor) and I’ve always told them to make sure they’re physically safe first. I’ll handle all of the legalities afterwards.

It does no good to encourage a bully – better to inflict some damage and make them rethink their hobby.


A few days ago
Depending on the district they are allowed to, so long as they can demonstrate that they were assaulted. My suggestion would be the threat of a lawsuit against the district if they try to punish a child for defending themselves. As long as children are on school grounds, the school is liable for their safety. A failure in this arena is tantamount to conspiracy with the aggressor.

5 years ago
I got into a fight and it wasnt even at school. It was at a park. I tried my hardest to find a peaceful solution, but the dumb girl wasnt having it. Shoulda bit her lol. I bit someone in fifth grade after the person “pantsed” me (pulled my pants to my ankles when i stood up). Self defense should be encouraged.

A few days ago
It stems from the same basic problem that drives many of our issues in the U.S.; Lack of Common Sense! Common sense is no longer common in this country, instead we make hard and fast rules with no room for grey area and no room for interpretation. We do this because no one wants to take responsibility for their decision if they had to make it anyway. We need to turn this country back around, stop letting overly vocal but small activist groups set policy and law, Stop letting lawyers decide laws, make people take personal responsibility for their actions, and try to make common sense common again.