A few days ago

Why are girls usually so tiny/short…..?

i was just wondering why usually most girls are so tiny/short….?….no offense to any girls here… πŸ™‚

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
volcom girl.

Favorite Answer

I’m soo small for my age. Haha not sure if guys like it that much, but I always find some who are obsessed about my shortness. I think it’s just the way women are..of course God did not make us as big as men are suppose to be.

A few days ago
Its not that girls are short but its that guys are really big. This is because in the caveman years the men went hunting and adapted to hunting and got bigger and that adaption has stayed with use since then.

A few days ago
Where I come from the girls are taller than the boys.Girsl grow faster than the boys.Genetics tend to play a role as well.

A few days ago
i really don’t knwo but i widh i was short bc most guyz go for the short girlz i am average i am 5 4 but yea sorry i can’t really help =X

A few days ago
i guess its all about genes, whether or not their parents are short or tall and which genes are dominant when the egg begins to form into a human.

I know plenty of tall girls and i happen to be 5’6- 5’7…. so not all girls are short


A few days ago
girls aren’t short… boys are just taller. girls grow earlier and their puberty stage starts earlier. boys grow later but they grow for a longer period of time.

A few days ago
lmao most just starve themselves. thats how they are tiny

and short? i have no clue. but i’m short :[


A few days ago
Yahoo! Answers Law Enforcement
average height for a woman is 5’8″

average height for a man is 5’10”

maybe that could play a factor. but what do i know?


A few days ago
coz GOD made them like that..i guess…or could be a less or hormone something like that..

A few days ago
they have drinks with caffeine instead of milk, lack sleep