A few days ago

Which is a good book to refer for aptitude test particularly for engineering students?

Which is a good book to refer for aptitude test particularly for engineering students?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Roy J

Favorite Answer

Since the 11th grade I have loved the CRC Manuals.

You can buy previous years editions cheap, and they do not change (much) from year to year as new discoveries in the basic sciences are so rare.

A couple books will cover all your math/physics/chemistry bases, and you can fill in any odds and ends with other material.

Sure beats having to lug around all the materal/heat/ balances/transfer /chem/organic chem/p chem /statics/calculus/diff eq/ physics/electrical eng/statics/etc books around with you. The CRCs have it all, once you know where to look (though you might have a little derrivation work to simplify equations to common applications).

I know I got by with CRCs and my HP-51CX (advanced math pack).

Good Luck!