A few days ago

What is the salary for working at the front desk at a hotel???

How much pay an hour??? Im planning on working at the Sheraton. thnks

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The salary for a Front Desk Clerk at a hotel will vary depending on location and experience. The median salary for a Hotel Front Desk Clerk in the U.S. is $9.14/hr. However, the median salary for a Front Desk Clerk working at a hotel in New York City is $15.37/hr.

To find more accurate salary data for your specific Front Desk Clerk position, you can take PayScale’s free salary survey. http://www.payscale.com/?src=yahooA

Hope that helps,

Assistant to Dr. Salary


A few days ago
I would say on average about 12 dollars an hour. Most front desk jobs pay about that much, depending on the size of the company, your experience in that field, etc…

A few days ago
not really sure for where you live most of them start out min wage it not that good just got a job with the same place for only 6.50 a hour and then a parts store called 10 mins later and give me a job for 9.00 hour so depending on where you live i guess where i m from there is no good paying jobs