A few days ago

What is a brief speech i can say??

I am in my first year of college and just joined a pre-law association (club). i wanted an open position in the club; the person who makes the flyers and such for the club and posts them around campus (i think that’s what they said it was). anyways, too many people in the club wanted it, so now they have to give a breif speech to the advisors and club so that they can choose the people for the job (they are allowing three people for the job). i guess i should introduce myself first……….um, i could mention that i was a yearbook editor in my senior year of high school..so i know some graphic design skills….and this position requires making flyers on the computer and then making copies…soooo…ahh help! i freese up in front of people! damnit.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Dear Ashely, It’s not in what you say , but how you say it. In such presentations, you would want to make sure that you have everyones attention, a good way to do that would be using body langauge, such as; your hand movment, facial expressions, eye to eye contact.

Remember that your marketing yourself, and that this is a subject no one knows more about then you.
