A few days ago

what came first to this world . a chicken or the egg?

if there is no god then how did everything for example chicken get here.if there is a god then thats a point but if there is not then how?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well, according to the literal creationist theory, the Bible says God created birds on the 5th day, and animals that impact man on the 6th day. So it’s Biblically ambiguous which day chickens were made. In either case, the assumption is that God made the chicken fully formed and alive.

On the other hand, from an evolutionary standpoint, the egg came first, laid by some mutant proto-chicken. That mutant egg hatched into something similar to a chicken, which then laid an egg which hatched into something even closer to the modern chicken. So from that stand point, the egg came first, but it was laid by something that was almost a chicken.

Lastly, always remember that evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. The Bible’s original Hebrew for the “Seven Days” is “YOM”. Yom has three meanings. #1 a 12-hour period of day. #2 a 24-hour day and night cycle.

#3 An indefinite period of time.

If you read Genesis, you’ll notice that the order that God created animals is nearly exactly the same order that evolution says the various forms of life would have occurred.

It may give you something to think about if you wonder whether God told man what order everything happened in, and left it up to us to figure out how He did it.

The Bible never says how God created things. Just that he did.


A few days ago
wind m
I think it’s more logical for the chicken to come first than the egg coz if the egg came first it would most likely not survive or live without the care of a parent.

A few days ago
Cassidy M
A chicken because the chicken would lay the egg

A few days ago
God does exist the world and all that lives on it was designed and all designs have designers. The chicken came first just as man was created first and the children didn’t come until man was thrown from the garden of Eden.

See links below for more info…


4 years ago
Many, many distinctive organisms “lay” eggs while they reproduce, from reptiles, amphibians and fish, all the some time past to invertebrate animals. those all did so long previously chickens developed – so the respond is the egg!

A few days ago
The chicken.

A few days ago
Glen H
well i say chicken because if the egg was first what made it?

A few days ago
chicken then egg so i think (chicken )

A few days ago
i personally believe in god so thats my solution but another solution is this. life is a never ending circle with no end and no beginning

A few days ago
Chicken…..sixth day of creation…..according to the Bible.