A few days ago

What are those subjects considered to be included in General Education Subjects?

Just wanna know because i frequently hear them say “General Education Subjects”, but what are those subjects really? I may sound an idiot but Im just asking.. ü

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I haven’t exactly heard the term “general education subjects,” but “general education” is a very general term and the specifics vary depending on what university/college you attend.

Basically, they’re the general requirements that all the students have to take. For example, at UC Berkeley, all students have to take a class to fulfill the American Cultures requirement (that actually might be a UC requirement in general but I forget at the moment). Whatever class you might be taking to fulfill American Cultures would be considered “general education.”

The opposite (if that’s what you would call it) would be courses that you take to fulfill requirements for your major. These classes fulfill more specific requirements and not all students have to take them because not all students have the same major, right?

When you think about it, general education can be pretty self explanatory.

I feel like I didn’t explain very well, but hope I helped at least some. And you’re not an idiot. I have questions about stuff EVERYBODY might know all the time. If you never ask, you’ll never know. People are effin close-minded, condescending jerks if they make you feel like an idiot.