A few days ago

what are common abbreviations used by students to take notes?

what are the abbreviations of common words like “because, and, that, with, without, …..” and other words commonly used?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well if you want common ones then ones that you mentioned are like this:

b/c = because

& = and (or any other and sign that you use or have seen, whatever is simple)

I don’t know any for that.

w/ = With

w/o = without

Though you can use whatever makes sense to you.

Also, you can look up text message abbriviations and use those as too. Sort of like

u = you

ppl = people

@ = at

and just about anything used for a text message. You can find some here: http://techdictionary.com/chat.html though I can’t imagine how you’d use some of those in short hand or in taking notes. So I did another check, and found it was rather hard to find anything that would work for what you’re loking for. So, I suggest making up your own, asking an english teacher, or taking a look around the net yourself, though the search may not be simple.

Best of luck, and hope I was of some help.


A few days ago
I use ones like b/c for because and w/o for without, but just make up your own that make sense to you.

A few days ago
ppl, b/c, wk, dept, intro, jr, math, wt, diff, inc, elem, div…. there’s probably a million more I haven’t been in school forever.