A few days ago

Smart people only! i need help.?

after my 10th grade and 1st semester of 11th grade, i had a 2.8 G.P.A. NOW, after the 2nd semester, i had 3a’s amd 1 b. is my G.P.A up to a 3.0 now?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

what is the grading scale? like the percentages that determine an A or a B. You would need to know that, and how your school or program determines the G.P.A.

A few days ago
im smart but im only goin to 7th grade. by the way when u were in sixth grade did u get exepted to this school that u go to the summer after sixth grade thats only for smart people. i got exepted to that and i hvae to read this book The house on mango strret. can u help me wit it. look at ma profile and go 2 ma questions. if u can answer it. by the way the school is supposed to give u extra credit or someting like that or help u to get into a better high school

A few days ago
love Jesus
It should be. I would ask your school counselor, and they can tell you. I was mainly a B student with a few A’s here and there and I was a 3.0 student.