A few days ago

Should I major in Environmental Science or Forestry?

I plan on majoring in either Environmental Science or Forestry. I love the outdoors and wildlife and I want to help society co-exist with the environment. I really want to work with either the EPA or work as a forest ranger for the National Parks Service. I also would love to be just an Ecologist and go travel the word doing research. But would majoring in Environmental Science or Forestry allow me to be an Ecologist?

thanks for any suggestions!

P.S. I am so glad I am not wanting to find a career based on how fat my paycheck is.

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
Peter Boiter Woods

Favorite Answer

Go with the Environmental Science. There are very few Forest Ranger jobs available and most rangers now have advanced degrees so you would need to think about graduate school. The jobs under the environmental science category are much more numerous. You may want to think of a degree in a harder science such as botany or zoology or chemistry since these will serve your job prospects better. As a person that hires people, environmental science degrees are not as impressive.

A few days ago
Go with an environmental science. It will open doors in both potential jobs for you. I’m not studied in what it takes to become a forest ranger but since it’s a form of law enforcement, you’re going to need something additional to either of those majors to do that anyways.

Also, environmental science will give you more leway in the future to move around in your career. Forestry, while it may also have moveability, is a little more cut and dry.

Good luck.


A few days ago
Forest Rangers work for the Forest Service, USDA; Park Rangers work for the Park Service. But your description would better fit a park naturalist. It sounds like you are just starting college so you have time to change your major. I would suggest you try to get a summer job in one of the national parks or other federal environmental organization to see what it is like. Working for the government is not for everyone. I’m sure you can chase down opportunities and how to apply for Federal Jobs. Don’t forget there are many state parks and environmental agencies.

A few days ago
Well you could major in Environmental Science with a minor in Forestry. That way you would have a good chance to be hired in either area,

Good Luck


A few days ago
I would say environmental science, but don’t base your opinion on me because you can chose wich ever one seems better.Another option is to writte down both on different sides of a paper.Turn your head and randomly put your finger somewhere.Whichever one it is closest to you choose that one.Works 4 me all the time.Hope it helps.Bi!

A few days ago
CHOOSE Chemical Engineering you can practically do all the things you want and at the same time be able to write reports that people will pay attention to… GOOD LUCK!

A few days ago
i think you must be in environmental science……..because yu more at outdoors and wildlife……and this make you love and enjoy when you major in environmental science…………………………..

A few days ago
Forestry because it’s easier to say.