A few days ago

Should I drop this course?

The very minute I walked into the room, I knew it was going to be one of “those” classes. The prof. had the desks in a circle, and he talked about “sharing experiences” and “eye contact”…yes, one of those “fuzzy tree hugging classes”. It is a master’s level class – but I wanted something challenging and interesting. The prof. drones on and on, I don’t think his notes are his own (he keeps on stumbling over his “own” words, and he can’t explain many of the LCD slides). The first assignment is “My life story” (worth 20% of the course…yeah right!)

So, am I wasting my time? Should I give it a chance? I am really broke and had trouble getting the money together for this (almost $700). Today is the last day to drop the course and get my money back. What would you do?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I would consider how the course fits in with my degree. Will it satisfy a requirement? Is it a prerequisite for other courses that you’ll need to take? Do you have the feeling the course will be fair? If the answer is yes to these questions, you should stick with it. And if you do, make sure you go to office hours. In a “touchy feely” course, your grade can feel arbitrary. Discuss your ideas and questions with the instructor so you stay on track.