A few days ago

School schedule???????

on my new schools schedule there are words like “a” day and “b” day on the schedule can you help me with this so i dont get lost

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This sounds like block scheduling. You go to your a day classes one day, and your b day classes another. You’ll have to find out how they do it, but some schools have A weeks, where you go to A day classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and B day classes on Tuesday and Thursday. Then, the next week is a B week, and you go to B day classes on MWF and A day classes on T/TH. It’s a way for classes to be longer. Instead of going to 8 classes a day for 45 minutes, you go to 4 classes a day for 90 minutes. (IF it is block scheduling.)

A few days ago
Oh my school does the same thing and personally i think it sucks! Well my school said what day it was on the morning anouncements. If you forget witch day it is maybe because its monday and u dont remember what was friday then ask a teacher or a friend so you know what you need for your classes that day.

A few days ago
my school did a-day and b-day last year and now they are going into the 7 periods a day thing.

so when school starts its an a-day and that should be your first 4 classes and then the next day its a b-day and you go to your other for classes.


A few days ago
I am sorry I dont understand, what that is either.

o ps if you have any coke codes may I please have them. I am saving up for a vacation. My email is [email protected]. O thanks. It is much appreciated.