public speaking?
Favorite Answer
Well, I’m a public speaker myself(Speech 1& 2) High School level.
Controlling Your Nervousness
1. Focus on any friends or certain people only.
2.Don’t worry, the people won’t mind.
3.Be Confident
4.Be prepared.
5.Just relax.
6.Just speak to a mirror & focus.
7.Pratice various relaxation techniques before speaking
8.Speak to someone you trust.
9.Postive attitude will reduce any bad karma.
10.Just concentrate on getting your messeage across the listeners.
Stage fright
1.All leaders have this however, just use the best methods.
Do they already know much about my topic?
What can I tell them about your topic that they do not know?
Will my topic intrest some audience members more than others?
How can I make my topic more intresting?
If I can take a stand on an issue, will my audience agree with me?
If not, what intrests or needs do they have through which i might change their minds?
Shaking is an bad Karma, u must master your shaking.
Good Luck mzcricket48 .
You need to learn to reaccess that ability and use it when ever neccessary. The technique for this is anchoring. I have listed a link to an explanation below, along with a couple of links about public speaking and confidence techniques.
Best Wishes.
If i really nervous, I double my preparation.
When first up on stage, I imagine them in their underwear – -krazy but it takes the edge off.
For the really scary, have some props you can point to, to draw their attention off you for a few secs everynow and then.
Good luck, relax girl – youll ace it
If you do not, join the Speech Cllub. THis social group will also give you many opportunities like Toastmasters does.
The best way to get over stage fright is just like falling off of a horse. You just have to do it over and over again.
Good luck
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