A few days ago

proper way to insert “Jr.” into form… last, middle, first names on form?

Is “Jr” listed after the last name or the complete first/middle name… example..

If name is william charles vanderbilt, jr……

last name……… vandervilt

first name ………..william

middle name…….charles

“Jr” listed…… where???

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Vandervilt, William Charles, Jr.

Researched your question online. Loved it since, in all the citing I’ve had to do, I don’t remember coming across this. Makes sense now that I’ve found an answer since his first name is what makes him a junior, not his last name. Thanks.


4 years ago
Last Name First Name Jr

A few days ago
Jr. is a suffix. On a form it would go in a box called “suffix” and without that box it would be omitted or you risk creating a database error when entered.

Think of it not unlike the prefix Mr. or Dr., you wouldn’t put “Mr. William” in the first name box – you’d likewise not use “Vandervilt, Jr.” in the last name box.

A good form creator or database administrator would consider the importance of the suffix and include a box for it. Without it, you have to consider how the name would print in regular mail merge or form merge.

Since most of the time we use “Firstname, middlename, lastname” as fields to print in that order – if you wanted it to print correctly using just those three fields then the last name would have to be “Vandervilt, Jr.”

This will create a sort order issue though. “Vandervilt, Jr.” will come after all of the other “Vandervilt” records and you would have to remember that your name in this file is not “Vandervilt” but instead “Vandervilt, Jr.” any time you needed to talk to someone about the database.


5 years ago
I publish directories (last names first) and have had the question arise. In my opinion, the first and second names are relative to the designation of Jr. or 111 or IV, not the last name. Therefore, Vandervilt, William Charles Jr. or Vandervilt, William Charles IV. Just today, I had a listing submitted as (ex.) : Smith 111, John Andrew, which does not look right to me. He isn’t the third Smith, he is the third John Andrew.

4 years ago
Luiz G. Jr.
Goncalves Luiz, Jr.

6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.

proper way to insert "Jr." into form… last, middle, first names on form?
Is "Jr" listed after the last name or the complete first/middle name… example..

If name is william charles vanderbilt, jr……

last name……… vandervilt

first name ………..william

middle name…….charles

"Jr" listed…… where???


A few days ago
If the form asks for a suffix, put it in that category or after the last name. I have a numeral and I get junk mail addressed to Mr. Iii.

A few days ago
Jr. Comes after the last name if there is no box specifically for it.

Last Name Vanderbilt, Jr.


5 years ago
I like just Molly. I know a girl that is just like you. She is really loud and super confident and perky. Her name is Molly and she says she likes her name because it’s just a little kids name and thats what she acts like and it fits her personality perfectly. But if you want a crazy nickname, I would go with Mollaney or Moganelly. Combo names are always interesting 🙂

6 years ago
Bob B Ginger Jr. Dc