A few days ago
The Thinker

Is this plagiarism?

I wrote an article in Spanish for my Spanish class and had someone go over it. They corrected it. The thing is, mine was not so great to begin with, but with the corrections made it was good. I did all the writing and the ideas and everything was mine, but i had help on some of the grammer and vocab with the article…. is this considered plagerism?

My teacher wants to talk to me because it was so good and i am not the best student. I am worried she might think it was plagerism!

What do you think? I wrote it, but someone corrected it to make it good…. is this bad?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

plagiarism no, because you didn’t take that guys ideas and show them as your own.

Many authors have someone go over their work to check


A few days ago
Not having seen yours and the original, but going on your description, I’d say no, it’s not plagiarism.

Here’s what I’d do to prove it. Go to your question and print the original and all of the help you got. Take it with you to the teacher’s meeting and show it to her. Then, if she still says that it IS plagiarism, you have a case for it being unintentional. You didn’t MEAN to plagiarize, you just wanted editing help.


A few days ago
If someone reworked entire sentences and you copied them exactly, then your teacher could call it plagerism. This is because you are taking their work and calling it your own. But, if you just got help with spelling, minor word changes, and basic proofreading, then you should be okay.