A few days ago



Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Prof. Dave

Favorite Answer

Yeah one is never study over one hour at a time. Take a 15 minute break every 50 minuets or so. If you study for over an hour then you will find yourself getting worn out and not being able to think clearly. Always rewrite your notes from class and understand who you got an answer in like math. You know understand the steps and why you do what you do to get the right answer. In history ask the following questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? If you will answer those questions for history on topics then you will fully understand the concepts and ideas behind an event. When you read keep a highlighter by your side and always highlight important ideas, people and words like, always, most of the time, and so on. Then when you go back to study and use your book you will find most all of the important information marked and it will make it easier. Then about a week before a test reread all the chapters that you were suppose to have read. That will help you remember things. Notice I said chapters you were to have already read. That means you should always have read the chapter before the class starts and before your teacher talks about it in class. You will understand things a lot better if you do that and then studying for the tests will not be as hard. For things like science and history use flash cards to help you remember terms and key dates and people. Best of Luck!! =)

A few days ago
People study different ways. Take a minute to find out about your background environment first. What is the most comfortable FOR YOU? Do you study better with music going loudly or softly–REMEMBER: You have to COMPREHEND the stuff? Are you the person that requires total quiet? Don’t feel “prehistoric” if you’re the latter of the two. When you take notes or write papers, are you a “deep thinker”? Deep thinkers USUALLY require deep quiet. If you don’t like detail but instructors, such as in English class, are hollering for more try the quiet avenue AND a color that inspires you. It will often “bring out” some of your best work. (Mine is yellow—total quiet).

A few days ago
There are a lot of tips to study, and some of them are:

a) Study 45 minutes non-stop and then rest for 15 minutes, then keep on studying at this pace.

b) Study as hard as you can all night and drink coffee, students who are in college studying medicine do this. My dad did it.

c) Eat a little piece of chocolate before starting. I don’t eat anything while and before I study because then I get lazy. (Don’t know why)

d) Memorize little by little, day by day part of the material. Then, the day before study VERY hard all of it; and the morning of the test review everything.

e) Study the way you feel most comfortable.

f) Study in different places.


A few days ago
Qu’est ce que tu penses?
1. Have a glass of water with you just in case you get thirsty

2. Have everything at hand (pencil, pen, highlighter, notes)

3. Review the stuff you already know and study the things you want to learn afterwords.

4. After you study a small section, go back and re-read it so that you can make sure that you understand and know it.


A few days ago
First, study grammar…Your question should be “Are there tips for studying?” or “Do you have any tips for studying?”

Secondly, figure out how you learn the best. Some people only need to hear something to learn it. I need to hear it (even if it’s me reading it) & write it down. Some people learn best by writing things over & over.


A few days ago
It depends on what you are studying. Generally your teacher will tell you what is going to be on the test so you need to study every possible part of the test so you will be prepared.

A few days ago
Yes, use notecards with the question on the front and the answer on the back- works every time! do it in repition