A few days ago

Is it necessary to do Ph.D following M.Sc.(research)?

I’ve done my B.Sc in Microbiology and diploma in clinical analysis and now I am interested in doing masters but whats making me to think is that,my friends,seniors and my professors, all are saying that its of no use if i stop at M.Sc level.But why do i have to sop at M.Sc level? bcoz i don’t want to study study & study,when will i start earning? i mean Ph.D makes you grow old. so is it that only if i do Ph.D than only there will be a better job prospectus

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

That is correct, you can finish your M.Sc. and go for a good job. If you are lucky your employer will send you to read a PhD. so you can earn money while you study.

Good luck

Siva, B.Sc. M.Sc.

Post grad student

School of Engineerng

University of Surrey