A few days ago

Im writing a speech..I need help!?

How should I organize it? What should I say to open up the speech? Its about child poverty.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Start with a statement that is somewhat dramatic and that you will prove during your speech. Don’t start with “I’m here today to talk to you about child poverty.” Rather try, “Child Poverty affects XX Million peiople in the World and even in America, the land of plenty, x Million of children are affected.”

Then define what constitutes child poverty, where it is the worst, how bad it is in our country and finsh up with what is being done (or not being done) to stop it. Conclude with another dramatic statement such as “child poverty is something that can be eliminated but only if we do something about it.


A few days ago
the champ
open with a question regarding the subject, ie did you know the rate of child poverty is something more than the last 3 years combined?

then explain what child poverty is

where it mainly is located

give some facts and figures

ways to help

conclude the speech

good luck, hope this helped


A few days ago
I like things that grab you. Something like: tell the story of someone (give them a name) that has no health care, food, daily struggles, no education, blah, blah, blah. Then conclusion statement of intro “So and so is only 6 years old.”

then the body

then conclusion

you don’t have to write them in any order. Intro and conclusion should be about 15% of and 10-15% of your total time. Be personal in the body with real examples. Be extemporaneous.


A few days ago
First, I would suggest to develop an outline. Then develop a thesis statement. For help for writing thesis statements the following link should help you get started: http://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/thesis.html#Strategies

For outline assistance: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/general/gt_outlin.html

Hope this is some help for you.

Good luck!