A few days ago

I’m studying these majors, before i got to college. I need some assistance?

I’m Studying –

Computer Support Specialist


Computer systems analysis.

I can’t Decide which one to pick. What companies seek these majors, how many openings a year?

What book should i read based on these majors? Books only no websites. Like PC trouble shootiing for dummies. Any book that can help me develop my skills.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Lucy The Dog

Favorite Answer

Hun, don’t work yourself up in a tizzy. Your freshman year and part of your sophmore year of college is going to be full of classes that are needed to graduate with any degree. Use this time to experiment with electives. Find out which field you rock in. Sometimes the career you think you want to work towards ends up being something you dislike. Why set yourself up for a life in a career you don’t enjoy. Experiment and see where YOU fit best. Not where there are the most jobs presently. The job market shifts and changes all the time. Do something you’ll like. The only way to find out what you’ll like is to try a bunch of different courses while you still can. Don’t block yourself in.

A few days ago
That’s great that you’re doing research on majors–it is hard to choose. But maybe instead of trying to pick a major for a specific job opening, you could just choose the one that is most interesting to you.

Like, if you didnt major in computer systems, you could still take some classes in that subject , and then you could major in something that you really enjoy (I mean, if it’s other than computers).

Good luck!

(Also, it is okay to go to college without knowing what major you want)


5 years ago
What’s noticeable about your “wall of text” is that you don’t mention any Major that would actually allow you to make a decent living after graduation. (Well, maybe general “Physics”).