A few days ago

I can’t start CONCENTRATING (especially studying) until i’m panicking desperate!?

I never really read a lot since junior high school. Pretty much I BSed through middle school and high school. I’m in college now and it’s affecting me.

Well, when I’m online, I like to search for random stuff i’m interested in and read without having trouble. But when having to read/study what I am required to do (like school works), I cannot start it unless I’m panicking the night before it is due. (Then I stay up all night to finish it.)

When I’m reading, I read it, then at the end of the page I’m just like daydreaming thinking about something else. Also, as I read along, things like ‘i have to check my email’ ‘i have to eat’ pops up and I delay finishing it (or should I say – starting it).

If not, what I read about could also distract me. Let’s say I’m reading about tempermental people and book mentioned in one sentence about how colors could have affect. I immediately have to search online about it to feed my curiosity.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Several things pop out in your description:

1. You sound like you have a very random learning style. Since you like to research randomly, check out the Gregorc Learning Style inventory. That may help you in understanding your learning preferences.

2. You also sound highly distractible. You could be extremely intelligent and be active-alert. However, you also could be extremely intelligent and have ADD or ADHD. Depending on where you live, you may want to check out a diagnostic center that administers the TOVA test for ADD. This will look at your response times.

3. There are reading strategies that may also help you in concentrating and comprehending when you read. I’ve helped many readers with similar issues; however, it takes more that a quickie answer on Answers. :o)

Feel free to email me if you would like more info.

By the way, I always did my reading and papers last minute all through college also. It is very draining, but to work on papers a week ahead almost seemed like wasting time. Learning what works best for you without the panic is something that may take a bit of practice or trial and error (hopefully not late papers errors!).

Best wishes.


A few days ago
i am in a way very much like you . I am actually writting my final paper for English which is due tomorrow at 10:10 ! For me its being perfect that matters i will wait and wait and wait until i come up with the right phrase to write and such. But to be honest in college you will HAVE to make a change in your study patterns. What you have to do is this : You need to get organized and get the little things you can do with out much time first and then when it comes to the big staff ( like reading for English , etc. ) You should read before it is time to know and simply try underlining or circling the things you get curios about and then search it later . That way there is a great chance of you rereading the material after your research ( which helps you remember ) and you can satisfy your curiosity !

If you can get this under control , it could actually work for your benefit . Think about it , you would learn but you would still want to learn more ( if its random staff) just to satisfy your curiosity = expanding your knowledge.


A few days ago
You might have a bout of ADD. But maybe not. I do this too sometimes. I get better when my back is against the wall. I find myself doing this at times. I started doing a little better when i found me a gf, but i still do this. Good luck.