A few days ago

how to improve my english Self study?

how to improve my english Self study?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I am learning another language too, French. Here are a few things that might be helpful:

-try listening to English books on tape (Librivox.com has free audiobooks) or if you can, do listening comprehension exercises on a website like http://esl.about.com/od/englishlistening/English_Listening_Skills_and_ActivitiesEffective_Listening_Practice.htm

You can also practice by translating a short story or article into English and then asking an English speaker to correct the grammar.

If you can, try to find an English speaker or another person learning English to have conversations with.


A few days ago
The only real way is to speak it daily – surround yourself with english speaking friends and ask them to correct you.