A few days ago

How to find the slope of a line?

I’m in 8th grade and we are reviewing about how to fine the slope of a line on a graph. I don’t really remember how to do that. So given 3 points on a graph, how do you find the slope? Oh and which way is the line going if it is negative? Positive?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

the slope of a line is the ratio of how many units the line rises (or falls, making it a negative) divided by the number of units the line travels horizontally. rise over run for short. if it is negative, the line is going downwards from left to right. if positive, the line is sloping upwards from left to right.

A few days ago
You could use pythagoras to find out angles and slopes by putting in the remainder of the right angle triangle. On road signs the ratio of a hill is noted to the up and down by the way the sign shows the slope.

Maybe this helps.


A few days ago
The basic idea is y/x, where y is the vertical line and x is the horizontal line. I guess you do not need more advanced metodhs in 8th.

And if the answer is negative, the line goes down. And up, if the answer is positive. You have to look at it from the left to the right.


A few days ago
the slope is the Rise over run… or Y2-Y1/(<- over) X2-X1 so you get 2 points and the y2-y1 overx2-x1 and divide the 2 numbers ... the slope could be 2/1 which simplified would be 2. Positve slope si when the X and Y increase..examples of points would be (2,5) (3,8) (4,11) and so on... but a negative is when the X increases and the Y decreases for example: (3,25) (4,20) (5,15) and so on...

A few days ago
Star of the Future
i am in 8th grade but 9th grade math lol i believe it is “rise over run” so you count how many you go up for rise if you go down when u rise, it is negative. for “run” you have to go from side to side. if u go left, it is negative.