A few days ago

How do i learn to roll my “r” ‘s?

How do i learn to roll my “r” ‘s?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

In Spanish, you roll it with your tongue. In German, you roll it with your throat. Try having to learn both. The German way is a lot easier, because it is often similar to the way a human tries to imitate a cat purring. Try it! And then, try practicing it with double-r containing words and words beginning with r. Like the spanish word horrible! (orrrrr-eebley) It’s called trilling (or trailing, i think) the r. Learn at a comfortable pace.

4 years ago
Yes you’ll. I am from the West of England, wherein the “r” sound is close to as a ways clear of a rolled “r” as you’ll assume, however I discovered to roll mine, and likewise to pronounce the “uvular” r sound of French. For goodness sake do not inquire from me how I did it although; as your prior answerer has mentioned it is simply train.

A few days ago
Mercedes <3
practice roll your tounge kinda like a cat purring it should come natural sorta just kinda watch spanish people and see how they do it