A few days ago

gun threat?

i was threatened to be shot from a kid, i went to the principles office and he asked the kid and the kid denied what is the no tolerance policy on this and if you have the web site i live in oklahoma

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A few days ago

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A few days ago
Girl in Florida
1. Make sure the kid’s parents find out.

2. File a police report. If something were to happen (which hopefully it won’t) then it will be on the record.

3. Go above the Principal and contact someone from the School District. You never know but these things should not be taken lightly.

Kids are trained killers now with those darn video games like World of Warcraft. That’s all they do is sit in front of the computer and kill, so they think it’s funny and don’t realize the seriousness.


A few days ago
Which school district are you in? Policies will generally vary by district.

Good grief, of course the kid is going to deny it…the principal ought to know better than that. Only a true dimwit (or someone who really doesn’t mind expulsion 8 weeks into the school year) would march into the principal’s office and declare that they threatened to shoot someone. Duh…

I would get your parents involved in this. I’m also in OK, and most of the schools (at least in cities) have enough to deal with that they’re not going to do much unless they either have hard evidence (i.e., the kid brought a gun to school) or your parents offer to become *very* vocal until something’s done to keep you safe.

If my kid were threatened like this at school, no matter how far-fetched it might sound to the school officials, you’d better bet I’d be all over it. Tell your parents, and let them know that you tried to have the school take care of it – now it’s their turn. Have them take it to both the school board and the police – and make sure both know that the principal brushed you off.


A few days ago
Report it to the police ASAP, the longer you wait the less credibility you will have and you need to get this on record. I am shocked the principal would believe the kid over you. You can also tell the police the principal refused to take action.

A few days ago
Definitely call the police. Take no chance that this fool is serious