A few days ago
♥ terry g ♥

English as a second language…?

How did you learn to teach it? Is there a good online program that anyone recommends?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A lot of places want you to have a master’s degree to teach it. There are programs to get a certificate in it. A lot of them take place in other countries – and there are some online too. Get in touch with me –I am studying foreign languages, linguistics (how languages form, come about, change etc etc) and have studied second language acquisition a bit as well.

edit: There are places that can take you without any training but being somebody who studies this and has sat in on many classes where some instructors had training and others only follow a syllabus I can say it can make a big difference to have a background in it when you are teaching. Just because we know the language doesn’t mean we are effective in instructing it. If you email me I can even send you my textbook (via email) on second language acquisition. It doesn’t teach how to teach but it goes over the history of second language teaching, different methodologies, and how the brain processes language etc.

You also don’t need to know their language. Yes, it can help, esp. with beginners but the best way to teach them is to only speak in the target language.

Sorry to rant but I LOVE THIS STUFF. You might want to ask this question in the Languages section too there are probably some ESL teachers in there.


4 years ago
English as a Second language implies that the individual is from a overseas nation and is studying English as their moment language. That essentially approach they discovered yet another language first due to the fact that they were not born right here. It is a application made notably for persons who gain knowledge of English after studying yet another language. It is not established for persons who’re already English audio system or who have been born right here. If you desire any person to gain knowledge of English how else do you anticipate them to gain knowledge of? Do you anticipate a 2 12 months historical studying to mention Please to routinely leap into the footwear of a sixteen 12 months historical in his English speakme capacity? I consider no longer.

A few days ago
I have no answer to your question. Sorry! I just wanted to ask Rhonda R how she figures she’s 49 if she was born in ’67. That would make you 40.

And how do you figure terry g is politically perturbed. Wow, you are an idiot Rhonda.

Terry. . .hope you find a good program.


A few days ago
I don’t know about any online programs, but there is a program in France that has a branch in Morocco. An online friend who is also engaged to a Moroccan and I were talking about jobs for Americans and she ran across the site. Once you finish the program they help you find employment in several countries. This is the website for the information. For the one in France: http://www.teflanguagehouse.com/tefltesol-course/

For the one in Marrakesh:


I am seriously thinking about attending the program in Morocco so if we decide to live there I will have a better chance of finding employment.


A few days ago
~~∞§arah T∞©~~
ROFL….I think Rhonda was asking if you could teach her English!!!

IF you are wanting to teach in Morocco in an ALC (American Language Center) they do not require that you have prior experience or an education in teaching. You just follow the syllabus and course materials.


A few days ago
Animal Girl
For what ever language native speakers that you want to teach English too I think you have to have a degree in what ever native language speakers you want to work with. For example if you want to taech Spanish speakers English try things like Rosetta Stone to learn Spanish very well.

A few days ago
Lawrence of Arabia
A friend of mine who teaches English in a private Center, used to get his material from here Terry:


Hope this is helpful… 😉