A few days ago

does anyone home school their kindergartener?

my 5 year old is in kindergarten, but kids are calling him rude names. names i can’t put on this question. they are also pushing him and punching him in innappropriate places. should i homeshool him or keep him where he is. i have talked to the teacher and principal and still the problems continue. if you do homeschool your kindergartener or know someone who does please give me a website. thanks.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I home school all four of my kids. I make sure they are in sports in the community to stay focused on social issues. Make sure your child wants to be home schooled and make sure you are ready for it. It is really easy with Internet sites like Internet4classrooms.com and your local library. It is all free and your child will only need about an hour a day. Just spend the rest of the day having quality time together.

A few days ago
home schooled kids are always considered freaks, no matter how much u try to get them involved with kids their age in the community.

if u home school your son to avoid the problems he is experiencing in school, it will only cause him more social problems once he enters school again, like later on in life (middle school, high school, etc)

you need to be more assertive when talking to your school administration about these problems. the school needs to facilitate your child’s needs. i’m assuming your son is very strange if he is picked on so much. no normal child would receive such harsh ridicule in kindergarten for god’s sake!

ha im not trying to be mean, i’m just warning you of the terrible affects of homeschooling.

if the problem at school persists, resort to changing schools before you consider home schooling please! for your son’s sake!!


A few days ago
Well, if you home school him, that would give him problems when he grows up because he will have a hard him communicating to people. Also, just tell his teacher that you don’t like what people is doing to your son. I think they are hurting him because they’re jealous of your son.