A few days ago

Write an inequality for this statement (please explain the process)?

x is a positive number

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

When they say a number has to be positive that means it must be greater than 0. If it saiod negative it’d be less than 0. So write it like this:



A few days ago
an inequality is a greater than b , a less than b or greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to.

if x is a positive number it is greater than 0 or maybe equal to 0 .

so x> 0 , or x>= 0 where > is greater than

the =0 part is open to debate so a safe answer is x > 0


A few days ago
Tom K
An inequality may signify that one quantity is greater than (>), less than(<) or merely unequal to (<>) another quantity.

What is one quality of positive numbers?

Are they greater than some specific number, say zero?

If they are you might say that X>0.