A few days ago

Write a sentence for each vocabulary word?


10 points.


Monotonous – repeating over and over, without variety.

Diminish – to make smaller or less.

Tandem – one behind the other.

Tethered – tied to the ground or to another object.

Perilous – full of danger.

Anecdote – a brief account of an interesting or amusing event.

Author’s purpose – a writer’s reason for creating a work.

Rudder – a vertically hinged plate at the tail of an aircraft, used to move a plane to the right or left.

Frogman – a swimmer equipped with breathing apparatus in order to do underwater tasks, often military tasks to gather information.

Astonishment – full of surprise; unexpected.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

His answers were monotonous, very redundant, irritating. I tried to diminish the sound of his monotony. He just kept repeating one behind the other in erratic tandem. I found myself wishing that he could be tethered to a stake, and then I could leave him there. But this would have been perilous for me. So I tried filling my head with a brilliant anecdote… then another. But this author’s purpose was clear. He plainly wanted to ram my ears into the rudder of his flying nuisance.

I decided to hire a frogman to swim the deep, to find an object that could tether the man beneath.

Are you reading this in ultimate astonishment? Ha


A few days ago
This homework seems to be monotonous.

I wish I could diminish this scar.

In the military the soldiers walk in tandem order.

The rope on a tether ball is tethered together.

A lot of people around us are perilous.

The comedian was the example of anecdote.

I wonder what the author’s purpose was.Navy

The rudder on the airplane seems to be loose.

In the Navy my uncle was a frogman.

I was filled with astonishment when I got my report card.


A few days ago
This isn’t homework help, this would be doing your homework. My goodness!!! You should really give it a try. How about looking in a dictionary, sometimes you get examples there too.

A few days ago
You should be able to do that yourself. The purpose is to reinforce the meanings of words for YOU and not for someone else.

A few days ago
You actually put more effort into this post than if you had done the work yourself, brilliant !

A few days ago
catch me if u can 😉
whoah dude its not that easy that its worth just ten points… psh! sorry but i got my own homework to do…

A few days ago
i would LOVE to help you on your homework but i have my own

A few days ago
sorry have my first graders papers to check

A few days ago
Me,Myself, and I

A few days ago
i have my own homework, thank you.