A few days ago

Why the developed countries are not helping in increasing the level of stander of education in poor countries?

The developed countries should help in increasing the level of stander of education in poor countries either by providing logistic support and higher training of the teachers, not the University level but school level, and allow greater number of students’ scholarships to the poorer Nations so that they can contribute more to their own country and in the process taboo about the Developed countries should be removed. Some of the good students may contribute to the countries who gave them scholarship. The poverty is the cause of all evil and in the modern world, under the doctrine of Global village, the developed countries can not survive like an isolated Island in the ocean of poverty. Every reach country should think about it and like USA allow immigration every year, to narrow the gap that has since long been created due to poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and economic imbalance.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Your question is heavily laced with political rhetoric and poorly translated words whose contextual meaning hard to figure out.

The fact is that many people in the developed world have been trying to help the under-developed, but a lot of aid is treated with much suspicion due to history of colonialism and multi-national corporations. Also there are belief systems driven by religion, and the results of propaganda campaigns of past wars.

For example, we in the devoloped world know that AIDS started in Africa due to humans making love with sheep and monkeys, contracting a disease that was common in animals, and not as serious there, but worked differently in humans, then was further spread by porstitution, and how medical blood supplies managed. But this involves many sub-topics that are taboo for polite conversation. In many religions, there are certain topics that may not be discussed, may not be taught, may not be the basis of science.

Even with such blinders, there are any number of resources available over Internet, Satelites, Radio, directed at making world resources available to the whole world. These organized through the United Nations, and through vast numbers of Non-Governmental-Organizations.

There’s also efforts by major computer companies to get their technology delivered to universities and secondary schools, along with relevant education in its usage. For example, IBM provides at no cost to the schools:

* computers

* operating systems

* upgrades

* tech support

* application software

* training for the teachers

All that the schools have to provide is the space for the computers, electricity to run them, transportation and lodging for the teachers attending the IBM classes in how to manage curriculums of getting most benefit out of running the computers in modern applications

The funding provided by various developed nations to aid the underdeveloped world is astronomical, but delivery can be difficult when corruption in those nations can divert much funds to Swiss Bank Accounts of leadership.

Also, what makes most sense varies as a matter of scale. I think there needs to be help to grow the middle class, but this is at a time that the middle class is shrinking in the developed world due to government policies that I think are poorly thought out. The governments responsible for this cannot be expected to help with infrastructure in other nations in the right direction when at home it is in wrong direction.


4 years ago
The Philippines is a nasty united states of america. women are stable interior the artwork stress and the coaching gadget is fairly nicely finished. So, basically by way of fact a rustic is undesirable does not neccessarily recommend that their women are oppressed and uneducated.