A few days ago
Dumm Blond3

Why should there be co-ed schools? This is for hw please help!?

I am doing a persuasive essay on why there should be co-ed schools

Here is what i have so far:

1st Reason Competiton is alwys good

2nd reason Girls and boys need to learn to deal with the opposite sex

3rd reson So you learn what it is like in the “real-world”

I need 3 supporting details for each topic and I need 1 counter arguement for each topic



Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Matt R

Favorite Answer

I don’t see ANYTHING in terms of competition, you should leave that out. Boys and girls athletics never compete with each other, and academically, there isn’t much of a difference between males and females.

Your 2nd and 3rd reasons are almost the same, you need to mold them together. So really, you only have 1 good reason, that they need to learn how do deal with the other gender because it is most like the real world.

Another reason I would put down is diversity – males and females can have different ideas, come from different walks of life, and view life differently. In groups, a female may provide insight that a male just would not think of.

Another reason I would put down is social groups. Males and females usually separate themselves in groups, and having that male-female stigma creates a sense of order and place within the schoolyard. It also may help build comraderie in each of the groups as well.