A few days ago

Why do we have to study science?

ok, for science class, we have to do this powerpoint presentation with 5 reasons why we have to study science. we have to provide a reason, along with an appropriate picture. The 5 sentences have to be kind of like puns, or something clever or funny like that. For example: It rocks. For that I would put like a frog sitting on a stone. you get it? so can you please give me a few reasons? thanks.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“Science is the bomb!” (Picture of sign at Los Alamos Nuclear Research Plant, New Mexico)… kind of a downer but I think it’s a fairly current phrase for something like “rocks”…

“Science is more entertaining!” (Picture of television set, radio on top of it (or on top of the cable box) and PDA or cell or whatever else you can pile on top of that!)

“Give me moldy bread or give me death!” (Pictures of both penicillin mold and “discovery of penicillin” are in

http://www.msn.encarta.com but you can prob’ly find them elsewhere, too)

“High fly for science!” (Picture of latest astronaut crew; and them giving high fives; or you and a friend??) !?

“Science is fly!” (Same type of picture, or of Voyager, or a jet, or a fly)

“Sense and Sensibility = Science.” (picture of Jane Austen’s book or something from the movie; Emma Thompson)

And I’m sure you’ll find more at this site. Hope I could be of help. It was fun… I’ll give your question a star!


4 years ago
Why Do People Study Science

5 years ago
I know a lot of people will argue a point that they really know nothing about. I try not to get into these situations. I myself am agnostic, but i am willing to have an open mind. I study different religions, AND science. I watch discovery channel all the time (really, almost all i watch) I enjoy the shows about science, and i also enjoy shows about the ideas of religion. I do not read science magazines, but rather get my information from the internet. I also took SEVERAL science courses in high school. In fact, i had 3 more than i needed to graduate. (i needed 4, i had 7). I do take an interest in science, and i try to be well informed on just about anything. I love to learn. I will NOT get into a debate on a topic that i do not know much about ,or do not personally care about. I stopped debating Creatonism VS Evolution a long time ago. Its a moot point really. The debate has been going on forever, and it will continue to until one side comes out with difinitive proof. Though there is scientific proof on the side of evolutionism, a lot of people will disregard it. I think it will come to proving, or disproving the existence of god. Good question.

5 years ago
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/axnEQ

I studied science in college, including advanced organic chemistry, physics, thermodynamics, electrical engineering and other areas. I regularly read science articles to keep on top of current events and watch various science shows as they come around. Unfortunately, the some of the science channels have decided to run junk like ghost hunter shows or paranormal nonsense. It’s maddening that this is passed off as a science show. As for a previous answerer’s question, microwaves match the rotational energy of water. It heats by spinning the molecules, which later translates into heat.


A few days ago
Mr. Mike
We have to study science because if we didn’t, the intelligent design people would win. Science explains many things in everyday life. Chemistry teaches you what happens when you mix volatile elements and chemicals. Physics teaches you how to build a better potato launcher. Without science, the answer for everything would be god, and I personally can’t accept that answer for anything.

For example:

-Why do plants grow?

-With science answer: Because they are able to produce their own food via photosynthesis. Also, their root system is able to absorb nutrients in the soil.

-Without science answer: God makes them grow

You see, we need science. So come up with some clever reasons as to why.


A few days ago
Because there is lots to learn? Picture of student – perhaps with glasses – or in library – and mountains of books?

Because there is lots to discover? Picture of someone with magnifying glass or metal detector?

Because it all makes sense? Picture of eureka moment with lightbulb illustration?


A few days ago
Without science, there wouldn’t be any cures for deadly diseases, no cars, TV, anything probably.

A few days ago
It’s universal! (then put a picture of the universe)

A few days ago
Gary W
MySpace or Outer Space? or

Without science, it would just be fiction!


A few days ago
that doesnt make sense. you study science because you would want to undersatnd the world and thethings living in it and how everything work.