A few days ago

who has a story about doing a random act of kindess?

who has a story about doing a random act of kindess?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

One time at the movies, I saw a blind guy trying to exit the building but he couldn’t find the door handle. I helped him open the door, and found out he was trying to walk to the bus stop which was 2 blocks away. I ended upo walking him all the way to the bus stop. It was pretty random- I was just going to see a movie! But I felt better afterwards 🙂

A few days ago
Many years ago, my husband and I were in mobile home resales. We spent a lot of time on the road and would buy lunch wherever it was convenient. One day we went for SubWay sandwiches. He parked the car a fair way away from the store. On his way back, he looked to have way more sandwiches than we needed. He stopped at the enclosure around a dumpster and bent down. When he stood back up, he had fewer sandwiches. When he got into the car I asked him what that was about. He told me that on the way into SubWay, he saw an old man and his dog laying next to the dumpster. The man said nothing to him as he passed. But he felt so sorry for them that he bought food for the man and his dog. I have always thought that was a very kind thing to do.

In my life, I would have to say that I have been the recipient of many small random acts of kindness. If you take a hard look at your life, and forget thinking that the acts of kindness must be grandiose, you will most likely find that you too, have already received many kind actions.


A few days ago
My son, at the age of 12, was selling Christmas cards for a catalog company for extra money. He delivered a box to a customer who took the box and said “thank you” and started to shut the door. After unsuccessfully trying to explain that he needed money for the cards (this fellow was mentally handicapped) he left wishing him a Merry Christmas. He felt really good about what he had done. The next day he went out to sell more cards and came to a home of an elderly woman. He did his spill, she asked how much per box and she gave him cash for the price of two boxes. He asked which cards she would like to order and she replied “I don’t really have anyone to send them to, you pick the ones you like and give them to someone who has. Needless to say, he kept the money because in his mind, he knew he had already done that. This is where we were able to demonstrate the theory of what goes around comes around and when you do good it multiples back to you. He is 23 years old now and still believes this to stand true.

A few days ago
Pretty Maggie Money Eyes
Once while I was walking my 2 dogs I spotted a cute little terrier holding up traffic. It had come dangerously close to getting hit, so I ran out to the middle of the street and grabbed her. Tons of people were yelling at me and honking their horns, assuming it was my dog.

I brought the dog a couple miles back to my house and called a number on her tag. There was no answer, but I had also spotted an address on the tag, so I set out to walk the little dog whom I found out to be JoJo back to her house. No one was home so I took her home again.

JoJo looked hungry so I gave her some canned dog food. A couple hours later a woman called back saying that JoJo must have opened her porch door and snuck out.

The woman came to pick her pooch up and kept telling me what an angel I was because JoJo meant the world to her. She emptied her pockets and gave me 8 dollars that I refused to take until she begged me.

It was just a little thing that any of us dog lovers would do, but it warmed my heart to know that for that one special moment I was appreciated. ♥


A few days ago
The Waffle
well it was raining one day and I went to get a candy bar. But instead, I gave the 5 bucks to a lady who was trying to rent a room for the night. I guess it was random?

A few days ago
making conversation with random folks who look like they need it.. the happiness that overcomes them is amazing.

i also feed a stray cat that comes by my house almost everyday. the poor thing could barely walk when it first started coming to my house and now she/ he looks so much better. =)


A few days ago
well one time someone was walking around with tp on there shoe and i told them i know it’s lame but kind of an act of kindness

A few days ago
this one time i gave 100 bucks 2 my sis fo no reason

A few days ago

cant realy think of any


nope got nothing

sorry =]