A few days ago

When the Declaration wwas written,?

How many Yeses?How Many Noes?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Elaine S

Favorite Answer

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson over a period of roughly 4 days when he went home to Virginia to visit his wife and family while the rest of the 2nd Continental Congress was dying of heat and bugs in Philadelphia during the summer of 1776. Thomas Jefferson was the main author but Benjamin Franklin and John Adams were also on the committee to get it written. 56 people signed the declaration but as they had already voted in favor of independence on July 2nd, you’d have to look that up separately.

As we should all know, considering it fell 2 days ago, the Declaration was signed on July 4th.


A few days ago
United States Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776): Made by the United Colonies of North America, which would later create the United States of America. Written by Thomas Jefferson.

Try wikipedia for more infomation


A few days ago
Anna S
The Declaration was written in 1776, I believe. Or maybe 1775. Well, I do know that it was signed in 1776, cause, you know, July 4, 1776. Hope this helps.

A few days ago
Ain’t this the ****, I saw this on TV on the 3rd and don’t remember now lol I think the TV said it was started in late 1774 or early 1775 It was finished and signed by most everybody on 4 july 1776, and everyone else finished signing it in 1783. Thats about all I can remember.

A few days ago

A few days ago
dont know wat u mean by yeses and noes, but it was written on July 4, 1776