A few days ago
Frank Gardenar

When is there satire in Romeo and Juliet?

I need to do a short paragraph on satire for Romeo and Juliet, but the paragraph must be on only one act. Which act contains the most and clearest satire in it? I cannot find anything for I am terrible at deciphering the meaning of each sentence, let alone the theme!

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Look to the comic relief in the play, my friend — Mercutio is your clue. Although, there are other ways of looking at the play as a satire, but you’d need to understand Shakespeare’s time a bit better as well as the play to truly get it. Do a google of “satire in romeo and juliet” — there are some ideas out there to get you started.

A few days ago
Well if your teacher said “in which act do you THINK the satire is in” then pick anyone but if there a right and wrong answer i would have to say the most satire was the balcony scene.(but don’t trust me really i’ve only read it once and i’m only 14) because shakespear was a very poetic man, he uses alot of that during the balcony act. I hope this helps. For the paragraph and all. Just use alot of big words and you wont have to write as much. like “i think the most clearest satire is located in act ___ . Because of Shaespear’s poetic bblahblhbahb jsut go with it!

A few days ago
First you need to define satire. Do you understand the word?

Look at the overall story. Look at the characters. Pick apart the scenes to get what is happening. You could try acting it out. Did you take notes? Reread and make a note of anything that could be satirical. Sorry but there are no short cuts to this assignment. It is in your best interest to work on it the best you can. You will get so much out of it if you do. Best of luck to you.


A few days ago
Free Your Fancy is right, Mercutio provides comic relief and satirizes society around him.

Check out the Wikipedia link below for more info. and links.


A few days ago
I thought it was dead funny the way they died.